Thursday, January 22, 2015

Terry Holzheimer Memorial Student Scholarship for National APA Conference

On behalf of the APA's Economic Development Division, I would like to notify you of a deadline extension for the Holzheimer Memorial Student Scholarship for Economic Development Planning. Applications for the 2015 scholarship are now due on February 15. If you know of strong projects by Master's level students who are enrolled in or recently graduated from PAB-accredited planning programs in the US, please encourage them to apply.

The scholarship, once called the Economic Development Division Travel Scholarship, has recently been renamed in memory of longtime APA member and economic development visionary, Dr. Terry Holzheimer of Arlington County and Virginia Tech. The $1,000 award is a travel scholarship provided by the APA’s Economic Development Division to support attendance at the national APA meeting in the spring. The award will be decided on the basis of a letter of recommendation from a faculty member and an original student paper or work that is 2,500 words or less.

The original student submission should speak to practitioners about a substantive topic related to economic development in the United States. We strongly encourage students to think broadly about the topic of economic development. The winning paper or project will satisfactorily demonstrate the following: topical relevance to economic development practitioners with a clear discussion of why practitioners should care about the findings; soundness of data collection and methods; quality writing; student authorship; and originality and creativity.

The committee reserves the right to withhold the award should no submissions comply with these criteria.The winner will be notified by March 1, 2015 and the scholarship will be presented at APA's National Planning Conference in Seattle, April 18-22, 2015.
 The paper will also be published on the Economic Development Division website and distributed electronically to division members.  
 All submissions and inquiries should be directed to:
Margaret Cowell
Assistant Professor, Urban Affairs and Planning, Virginia Tech


  1. Superbly written article, if only all bloggers offered the same content as you, the internet would be a far better place.. WIN PLANNING APPEALS
