We look forward to seeing members of the APA Economic Development Division at our Division-related activities and sessions in New Orleans! Events include:
ANNUAL MEETING AND RECEPTION Economic Development Division Annual Meeting & Reception (X018) http://www.planning.org/conference/program/search/activity.htm?ActivityID=138439 Monday, 6:30-8:00 pm (Scheduled location is Hilton Hotel, Marlborough A)
• Enjoy free drinks and hors d’oeuvres
• Network with fellow division members
• Discuss the upcoming year’s work plan
Earn CM credits and sharpen skills at the following sessions:
“Measuring Economic Impacts of Scenic Byways” (S411) http://www.planning.org/conference/program/search/activity.htm?ActivityID=137913 Sunday, 7:30-8:30 am CM 1.00
Test drive a user-friendly tool that helps local groups measure and communicate the economic impacts generated by their byways. Developed by America’s Byways Resource Center, which supports the 125 National Scenic Byways, this tool is a valuable resource for those fighting to maintain federal, state and local funding support of byways.
“Planning for the Bottom Line” (S414) http://www.planning.org/conference/program/search/activity.htm?ActivityID=137943 Sunday, 5:30-6:45 pm CM 1.00
In an economic downturn, improving the financial management of local government is every department’s responsibility. Learn to improve the financial management of the planning department and gain an understanding of how land-use decisions impact a community's overall fiscal condition. Take a leadership role in your community's financial management.
“Riding Out the Recession” (S543)* http://www.planning.org/conference/program/search/activity.htm?ActivityID=138117 Monday, 4:00-5:15 pm*EDD-Sponsored SessionCM 1.25
Stagnant housing market. Declining tax base. Shrinking municipal budgets. Rising unemployment. It’s scary. But cities, even those experiencing structural upheaval, have weathered past recessions. And it’s normal for municipal revenues to lag behind. Hear from veteran planners who’ve suffered through this before and learn what to expect in the public and private sectors.
“Social Media in Planning” (S809) http://www.planning.org/conference/program/search/activity.htm?ActivityID=137799 Monday, 5:30-6:45 pmCM 1.25
If your agency or firm doesn’t Twitter, blog, or have a Facebook page, it may be missing the boat. Learn to use Internet technologies for public outreach and education. Discuss ways APA members can use these tools for professional networking and education.
“Looking Past Market Cycle Pressures” (S594)
http://www.planning.org/conference/program/search/activity.htm?ActivityID=137906 Tuesday, 10:30-11:45 amCM 1.25
Market cycles create short-term pressures that need to be reconciled with long-term planning needs. Discuss strategies for looking past market cycles to pragmatically achieve planning goals and a long-range vision. Lessons from San Diego and Aurora, Colorado, illustrate how keeping a planning project steady can push it toward successful completion.
We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!